aktualisiert: 28.09.2023
Protozoa, Myxomycota, Myxomycetes, Physarales, Physaraceae
Aktueller Name gem. MycoDB
Current name: Physarum Pers., Neues Magazin für die Botanik 1: 88 (1794) [MB#12178] Taxonomic synonyms: - Angioridium Grev., Scott. crypt. fl. (1827) [MB#12011] - Physarum sect. Angioridium (Grev.) Shuang L. Chen & Yu Li, Journal of Fungal Research 7 (3-4): 139 (2009) [MB#542315] - Claustria Fr., Summa vegetabilium Scandinaviae 2: 451 (1849) [MB#12045] - Crateriachea Rostaf., Versuch eines Systems der Mycetozoen: 11 (1873) [MB#12056] - Cytidium Morgan, Journal of the Cincinnati Society of Natural History 19: 8 (1896) [MB#12061] - Physarum sect. Cytidium (Morgan) Shuang L. Chen & Yu Li, Journal of Fungal Research 7 (3-4): 140 (2009) [MB#542316] - Tilmadoche Fr., Summa vegetabilium Scandinaviae 2: 454 (1849) [MB#12242] - Physarum sect. Tilmadoche (Fr.) Shuang L. Chen & Yu Li, Journal of Fungal Research 7 (3-4): 140 (2009) [MB#542314] - Trichamphora Jungh., Verh. Batav. Genootsch. Kunst. Wet.: 12 (1838) [MB#12245]
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