Current name: Tricholoma sejunctum (Sowerby) Quél., Mémoires de la Société d'Émulation de Montbéliard ser. 2, 5: 76 (1872) [MB#192411]
Basionym: Agaricus sejunctus Sowerby, Coloured Figures of English Fungi 2: 54 , t. 126 (1799) [MB#375257] Obligate synonyms: - Melanoleuca sejuncta (Sowerby) Murrill, North American Flora 10 (1): 25 (1914) [MB#102468] - Agaricus leucoxanthus var. sejunctus (Sowerby) Pers., Mycologia Europaea 3: 181 (1828) [MB#497904] - Gyrophila sejuncta (Sowerby) Quél., Enchiridion Fungorum in Europa media et praesertim in Gallia Vigentium: 10 (1886) [MB#521096] Taxonomic synonyms: Agaricus sejunctus var. sejunctus Sowerby, Coloured Figures of English Fungi 2: 54 , t. 126 (1799) [MB#827044]