Current name: Verpa Sw., Kungl. Svenska Vetenskapsakad. Handl.: 129 (1814) [MB#5723] Taxonomic synonyms: - Monka Adans. (1763) [MB#3250] - Relhanum Gray, A natural arrangement of British plants 1: 661 (1821) [MB#4672] - Verpa [unranked] Verpa (?) [MB#846004] - Verpa [unranked] Euverpa J. Schröt., Kryptogamen-Flora von Schlesien 3.2 (1): 26 (1893) [MB#846005] - Verpa sect. Ptychoverpa Boud. ex Underw., XIX. On the distribution of the North American Helvellales: 485 (1896) [MB#846006] - Ptychoverpa (Boud. ex Underw.) Boud., Bulletin de la Société Mycologique de France 15 (1): 53 (1899) [MB#4545] - Verpa subgen. Ptychoverpa Boud., Bulletin de la Société Mycologique de France 8 (3): 143 (1892) [MB#845994] - Verpa [unranked] Morchellaria J. Schröt., Kryptogamen-Flora von Schlesien 3.2 (1): 25 (1893) [MB#845995] - Verpa sect. Verpa (?) [MB#846007] - Verpa sect. Euverpa Underw., XIX. On the distribution of the North American Helvellales: 485 (1896) [MB#846008]