Lyomyces sambuci
Holunder Rindenpilz
aktualisiert: 09.05.2023 09:41:09
(Pers.) P. Karst.
Fungi, Dikarya, Basidiomycota, Agaricomycotina, Agaricomycetes, Hymenochaetales, Schizoporaceae, Lyomyces
Aktueller Name gem. MycoDB
Current name: Lyomyces sambuci (Pers.) P. Karst., Bidrag Kännedom Finlands Natur Folk 37: 153 (1882) [MB#438641]
Basionym: Corticium sambuci Pers., Neues Magazin für die Botanik 1: 111 (1794) [MB#372697] Obligate synonyms: - Hyphodontia sambuci (Pers.) J. Erikss., Symb. Bot. Upsal. 16 (1): 104 (1958) [MB#298800] - Peniophora sambuci (Pers.) Burt, Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden 12 (3): 233 (1925) [MB#277366] - Grandinia sambuci (Pers.) Jülich, Taxon: 482 (1983) [MB#115358] - Hyphoderma sambuci (Pers.) Jülich, Persoonia 8 (1): 80 (1974) [MB#315535] - Hypochnus sambuci (Pers.) Sacc., Sylloge Fungorum 6: 211 (1888) [MB#248925] - Thelephora sambuci (Pers.) Pers., Mycologia Europaea 1: 152 (1822) [MB#145585] - Rogersella sambuci (Pers.) Liberta & A.J. Navas, Canadian Journal of Botany 56 (15): 1781 (1978) [MB#414480] - Corticium cretaceum (Fr.) Cooke, Grevillea 20: 13 (1891) [MB#247633] - Thelephora calcea var. sambuci (Pers.) Pers., Synopsis methodica fungorum: 581 (1801) [MB#440680] - Hypochnus serus var. sambuci (Pers.) Quél., Enchiridion Fungorum in Europa media et praesertim in Gallia Vigentium: 212 (1886) [MB#440026] - Xylodon sambuci (Pers.) Tura, Zmitr., Wasser & Spirin, Biodiversity of the Heterobasidiomycetes and non-gilled Hymenomycetes (former Aphyllophorales) of Israel: 221 (2011) [MB#563010] - Thelephora calcea var. sambuci (Pers.) Pers. (1801) [MB#587402] - Xylodon sambuci var. sambuci (2011) [MB#628203] Taxonomic synonyms: - Peniophora irregularis Burt, Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden 12 (3): 228 (1926) [MB#268172] - Peniophora thujae Burt, Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden 12 (3): 236 (1926) [MB#280244] - Corticium hariotii Bres., Annales Mycologici 18 (1-3): 48 (1920) [MB#191432] - Hyphodontia hariotii (Bres.) Parmasto, Conspectus Systematis Corticiacearum: 122 (1968) [MB#332405] - Thelephora sera Pers., Synopsis methodica fungorum: 580 (1801) [MB#189921] - Hypochnus serus (Pers.) Fr., Observationes mycologicae 2: 278 (1818) [MB#249398] - Corticium serum (Pers.) Fr., Hymenomycetes europaei: 659 (1874) [MB#416249] - Lyomyces serus (Pers.) P. Karst., Revue Mycologique Toulouse 3 (9): 23 (1881) [MB#431780] - Kneiffia sera (Pers.) P. Karst., Bidrag till Kännedom av Finlands Natur och Folk 48: 370 (1889) [MB#217200] - Corticium chrysanthemi Plowr., Transactions of the British Mycological Society 2: 91 (1905) [MB#213173] - Peniophora chrysanthemi (Plowr.) W.G. Sm., Synopsis of the British Basidiomycetes: A descriptive catalogue of the drawings and speciments in the department of Botany British Museum: 419 (1908) [MB#449572] - Peniophora chrysanthemi (Plowr.) Sacc. & Traverso, Synopsis of the British Basidiomycetes: A descriptive catalogue of the drawings and speciments in the department of Botany British Museum: 419 (1908) [MB#231800] - Thelephora cretacea Fr., Observationes mycologicae 1: 152 (1815) [MB#209785] - Hypochnus sambuci var. cretaceus (Fr.) Sacc., Sylloge Fungorum 6: 211 (1888) [MB#139707] - Xylodon sambuci var. angustisporus Klos & J. Aug. Schmitt, Abhandlungen der DELATTINIA 47: 154 (2022) [MB#842768] - Xylodon sambuci var. angustispora Klos & J. Aug. Schmitt (2020) [MB#834469] - Xylodon sambuci var. angustisporus Klos & J. Aug. Schmitt, Abhandlungen der DELATTINIA 45: 298 (2020) [MB#840901]
Weisser Überzug, der wie ein Farbanstrich aussieht.
Sambucus, auf abgestorbenen Holunderästen
4.1 - 6.3 x 3.9 - 4.7 µm - Q: 1.00 - 1.48 (Ø LxB: 5.3 x 4.2 µm ØQ:1.3 AzM: 7)
Breitoval-rundlich (subglobos)
Hyalin mit grünlichem Öltropfen
Leptozystiden: kopfig, mit Inkrustationen besetzt, +/- zylindrisch, schlauchförmig
Bestimmt als
Lyomyces sambuci - Flammer, T© 7292
Lyomyces sambuci - Flammer, T© 9836
Lyomyces sambuci - Flammer, T© 7293
Lyomyces sambuci - Sporen - Wasser - Flammer, T© 7290
Lyomyces sambuci - Leptozystiden - Wasser - Flammer, T© 7291
Zays. kopfig
Lyomyces sambuci - Leptozystiden - Wasser - Flammer, T© 9837
Lyomyces sambuci - Leptozystiden - Wasser - Flammer, T© 9838